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What is Cloud Computing?
Article ID: #1072

Cloud computing is a type of technology that allows end-users to run and access web-based software and applications on the internet by using an internet browser. (This software delivery mechanism is known as SaaS) The “cloud” is often used as a resemblance of the internet, whereas “computing” can just be defined as the data processing work that computers would do for us. When these two words are put together, “cloud computing” means that the all the data processing work that computers would generally do are done on the internet instead.

How can Cloud “Compute?”

To understand how cloud “computes,” think of it as a remote Personal Computer (PC). This remote PC is connected to the internet; therefore you are able to access the files on that PC via an internet browser. Now take a step further and imagine that this remote PC contains other software applications such as Microsoft Word, QuickBooks, or your favorite games. Similar to how you would access your files via an internet browser, you can do the same with those software applications you want to use. Essentially, there is still a computer that processes the work but it can be done remotely and the software applications are readily accessible through the internet.

The Basics of Cloud Computing Architecture

Building a Cloud Computing platform is similar to building a PC but it is far more complicated and requires a long list of hardware (i.e. application servers, database servers, firewalls, switches, and etc.). Once you have gathered all the hardware, you can then install an Operating System (OS) for your servers to manage your cloud network. After that, you can install the software and applications you want to run in the cloud. These software applications are not necessarily the examples that were cited above because they need to be coded in a way that can be accessed via an internet browser.

Examples of Cloud Computing

Many companies have already been taking advantage of cloud computing. Web-based email systems like Gmail or Hotmail are all operated on cloud in which Emails are composed, sent, and read thorough an internet browser. Other notable examples are Google Docs and Zoho, where word-processing, excel, and other types of software have moved to the cloud.

How can Businesses Benefit from Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is a favorable solution for businesses that lack the capacity to heavily invest in IT equipments and maintenance. The cost and complexities of purchasing hardware, software licenses, setup fees, configuration fees, and other misc. costs can quickly add up. Since the cloud computing vendor is responsible for the equipments and maintenance costs, it allows companies to bypass these IT costs and complexities while attaining the same benefits of having a fully funded in-house IT system. Overall, cloud computing gives businesses big time IT capabilities without the costs and complexities of building and maintaining an on-premise IT system. This is why small businesses are jumping to adopt SaaS and Cloud solutions.

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About Servora

Servora uses cloud computing technology to deliver CRM, ERP, Accounting, and Ecommerce applications via SaaS to small and mid-sized businesses.  See a list of solutions that Servora offers.